Our PHP 1 Click Framework Installer is designed to aid you to use entire PHP frameworks for your website, with no configuration required from you. You don’t need to seek out the most up–to–date variant of a framework for your projects and waste a lot of time on downloading it and then configuring it. Now you’ve got everything accessible directly in your Web Control Panel, supplied in a convenient interface.

Numerous frameworks available

Kick–start your web undertaking with a framework

Through the PHP 1 Click Framework Installer incorporated into the Chattanooga Internet Website Design and Hosting Web Control Panel, it is possible to set up various PHP frameworks, all of them delivering a different variety of capabilities and benefits: CakePHP, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Zend, Symfony, and YII.

Each and every PHP framework is modified to the present stable release and its integration demands no setup whatsoever.

Various PHP frameworks available

1–click PHP framework set up

Your personal PHP framework is simply a mouse click away

The PHP 1 Click Framework Installer is meant to work on exactly the same basic principle as our App Installer – through very little effort required from you and the system performing the hard work on your behalf. PHP frameworks are installed with several clicks without any installation demanded from you. All you need to do is specify the spot of your PHP framework. That’s all.

We have a record of the running PHP frameworks and you may un–install every PHP framework which you don’t want with a click.

1-click PHP framework installation

1–click backup

The best solution to back up a framework

When you deal with significant business information, you should always maintain a backup of everything, particularly if there are plenty of changes made. Through the PHP 1 Click Framework Installer, you could make a backup of your framework with simply a click of the mouse. The system will generate the backup file and then upload it within your account. We have not fixed any limitation on the quantity of backups you can make or on the period when you’re able to create them.

Besides the manual backups you create, we run intelligent backups for all of your sites frequently. This way, Chattanooga Internet Website Design and Hosting offers a well designed and also safeguarded backup solution for your business project data.

1-click backup